File an EthicsPoint Hotline Report
The University of New Mexico utilizes an online complaint management system known as EthicsPoint. The system is used across various departments at the University for a multitude of concerns related to: human resources; academic affairs; internal audit; UNM Hospital compliance; and civil rights discrimination and sexual harassment. The Office of Equal Opportunity investigates all civil rights and sexual misconduct issues that are reported through the hotline. The hotline can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
CLICK HERE to view a diagram that depicts the various policies and areas that pertain to the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Who We Are
The UNM Office of Equal Opportunity investigates claims of discrimination based on a protected status, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. We also provide oversight of the University’s compliance with Title VII, Title IX, the Clery Act, ADA accommodations, and affirmative action. We can provide training and education on all of these issues. We serve the entire UNM community and work with offices across campus to ensure the University’s commitment to promoting equal access and treatment for all.
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In response to the recent release from the Department of Justice in relation to the University of New Mexico's response to allegations of sexual misconduct on campus, the Office of Equal Opportunity has revised the previous Discrimination Claims Procedure documents. The revised documents are intended to streamline and refine the manner in which the department investigates claims that are raised in order to better align the University's procedure with the recommendations from the Department of Justice. To view the new documents, please click below:
- Discrimination Claims Procedure
- Checklist for Formal Investigation Process - Individual
- Checklist for Formal Investigation Process - Departmental
- Flowchart - Departmental Investigation
- Flowchart - Individual Investigation
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Protected Classes
Discrimination is treating someone differently based on a civil rights protected class. A protected class is a group of people protected against discrimination by University policy or by state and federal law. At UNM, the following are considered protected classes:
- Age (40 and over)
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- Color/Race
- Gender Identity
- Genetic information
- Medical Condition
- Mental/Physical Disability
- Pregnancy
- Religion
- Sex/Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Orientation
- Spousal Affiliation
- Veteran Status